Al Sharpton, Hollywood, the LGBT, liberal judges and those on the U.S supreme
court are hell bound for promoting and advancing a culture of sin and confusion.
The demonic evil of homosexuality has laid claim on politicians, doctors, lawyers, pastors, teachers, preachers..etc to bow down and worship the wicked
one. Our government has been overtaken by this demon and who will have the the courage to protect our kids? Homosexual preachers, preachers marrying
same sex there one righteous politician left in our government who is
unafraid to outlaw homosexual marriage, protect our children and restore the power back to 'We the People'? What kind of people would be okay with this evil and perverse lifestyle being taught to children? Where are the MEN in this
country who are willing to stand and say "Enough is Enough". Where are these
men? Will our elected leaders continue to bow down to these demons and ignore
the dire consequences that we face as a Godless nation if we continue down this
path of no return. We used to have brave men, men of honor, men of character
and men of principle to judge between right and wrong. Where are the men in
Congress Vote and Force Trump to END Man Made Homosexual Marriage!
Demon Filled Al Sharpton Eagerly Promotes Homosexuality to Children